Saturday, April 11, 2020

Guarding Your Thoughts by Mark Finley

Train and Discipline the Mind.--No matter who you are . . . the Lord has blessed you with intellectual faculties capable of vast improvement. Cultivate your talents with persevering earnestness. Train and discipline the mind by study, by observation, by reflection. You cannot meet the mind of God unless you put to use every power. The mental faculties will strengthen and develop if you will go to work in the fear of God, in humility, and with 4 earnest prayer. A resolute purpose will accomplish wonders. --LS 275 (1915).- Mind, Character, and personality vol. 1 page 3

Father in Heaven, Our topic this morning is a critical one in the life of each one of us living on the night's edge of eternity on the verge of the kingdom of God. We sense that the greatest battle ever waged in the universe is the battle for the human mind. And since Lucifer's fall in heaven, and Adam and Eve's sin in Eden, there has been a battle for the minds of men and women. But, Father, teach us to guard our thoughts. We pray that this message will draw us closer to you and that we will learn principles that we can apply to our lives on a daily basis to guard our thoughts from the evil one. In Christ's name. Amen.

Now the average person has approximately 48 thoughts a minute. That computes to 70,000 thoughts a day or 25,000,550 thoughts a year. Can you believe that! 25 Million thoughts every single year! Now the brain is about 3 pounds of rubbery grey substance there lodged in your cranium. The brain has a hundred billion brain cells. 100 Billion. Now the brain cells are the longest living cells in the body. In fact they don't die. They usually live until a person dies. Now the thoughts in the brain are powered. They are powered by neurotransmitters which in turn are powered by copius quantities of blood. Now these... (To be continued).

It's a law of life. When you think about something often enough, when you think about something long enough, you will come to a stage when you can't stop thinking about it.

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